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The 4 Day Week Campaign and flexible working experts Timewise have partnered to launch a second four-day week pilot in the UK this Autumn, with research support from University of Cambridge, Boston College and the Autonomy Institute.


The six-month pilot is scheduled to begin on November 4 with trainings and workshops starting in mid-September.


Applications to join the pilot are now closed but sign up to our newsletter here to find out about future pilots taking place in 2025.




"This was a fantastic programme which allowed us to learn from others' experiences of implementation. It was a hugely worthwhile investment in our journey to a four-day week."

- Manager at a charity


"Participating in the Rollout Programme (pilot) has been a fascinating process. The programme succeeded in drawing together a range of organisations with different perspectives and experiences to build a mutually supportive team - united by a common purpose. As you’d hope, it advanced our understanding of both the theory and practice of moving towards a four-day week pilot. But our discussions have also encouraged much deeper conversations about our business in general, which I believe will lead to lasting change."

- CEO, creative agency


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